L. J. Jaeckel
CMPSC 210 — Linux System Administration
April 21, 2011

Listing of file: getdog.sh

This script, residing on the debian5vm Final Exam virtual machine, downloads an entire copy of the ~jeremy web site from the csrh1 machine (which, in turn, should contain a copy of the same from the SDF freeshell machine).

The overall theory of operation is:

Click here to view the transcript of the latest rsync download. (Viewable on debian5vm machine only.)

     1	#!/bin/bash
     2	# getdog.sh
     3	# L. J. Jaeckel  -- April 21, 2011
     5	# Run rsync to pull entire directory of web site files from
     6	# jaeckell@csrh1.yosemite.edu:/home/jaeckell/Dogweb to
     7	# local directory /home/jeremy/Testweb.
     8	# Then copy all the files from there into ~jeremy/public_html
     9	#
    10	# This runs with public key authentication, and so can be run
    11	# automatically as a cron, without need for manual password entry.
    13	REMOTE_USER=jaeckell
    14	REMOTE_MACH=csrh1.yosemite.edu
    15	# Note, remote directory name includes / at the end.
    16	# We discovered that this is necessary to make it work right.
    17	REMOTE_DIR=/home/jaeckell/Dogweb/
    19	LOCAL_HOME=/home/jeremy
    20	LOCAL_DIR=$LOCAL_HOME/Testweb
    21	LOCAL_HTML=$LOCAL_HOME/public_html
    22	LOCAL_KEY=$LOCAL_HOME/cron/debian5vm-rsync-key
    24	cd $LOCAL_HOME
    25	echo '<html><head><title>Doggie download on' `date` '</title></head>'
    26	echo '<body><h2>Doggie web site download started on:' `date` '</h2>'
    28	echo "<h3>Downloading modified files from $REMOTE_MACH"
    29	echo "to local directory $LOCAL_DIR</h3>"
    30	echo '<pre>'
    32	echo rsync -arvz -e "\"ssh -i $LOCAL_KEY\"" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_MACH:$REMOTE_DIR $LOCAL_DIR
    33	rsync -arvz -e "ssh -i $LOCAL_KEY" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_MACH:$REMOTE_DIR $LOCAL_DIR
    35	echo '</pre>'
    36	echo "<h3>Copying entire web file collection from local $LOCAL_DIR<br />"
    37	echo "to local web site directory $LOCAL_HTML</h3>"
    38	echo '<pre>'
    40	cd $LOCAL_DIR
    41	cp -f -v -r * $LOCAL_HTML
    42	cd $LOCAL_HOME
    44	echo '</pre>'
    45	echo '<h2>Doggie web site download completed on: ' `date` '</h2><hr /></body></html>'